Monday, October 12, 2015

eos fairy grey review.

I know it's been quite some time since I have last done a circle lens review but PinkyParadise recently sent me these lovely lenses. They're called EOS Fairy grey lenses. So let us begin.

The details:
Diameter: 14.5mm
Water Content: 38%
Base Curve: 8.8mm
Life Span: 1 Year Disposal

They come nicely packaged and sealed away with the manufacturer warranty sticker on it as well. The lenses itself were produced in Korea. Generally, I never did so well with colored contact lenses I usually wore GEO lenses but I have noticed that those tend to make my eyes drier.

Comfort: 3.5/5 because although they are more comfortable than other brands after 4~6 hours my eyes are exhausted. I know generally you're not supposed to wear them for that long but after a while, they do start to irritate your eyes. I recommend carrying some eyedrops if you're planning on wearing them for a while.

Enlargement: 4/5 only because I feel like they enlarge a bit too much. At times I feel like they're too big giving some people an unnatural look. However, these are only 14.5mm base curve but come off at 15mm.

Color: 5/5 I love the color! I selected grey but at times they give off a soft blue tone under certain light conditions. I am in love with the color and would most likely stick to this.

Overall: 4/5 I would definitely recommend these for people with darker eyes (I'm not sure how they would look with lighter eyes. I feel that these can come off as dramatic but still a unique look to the lenses.

Final image with me and the lenses and my strange blue-purple hair. Thanks again Pinky Paradise! You can grab a pair of these lenses here.

p.s. sorry, I used my iPhone for these images it's a bit difficult to take self-portrait photos with my heavy Ccanon. Hopefully, in the near future, I am able to obtain a tripod and take these photos more professionally.



  1. They look great on you! You are so gorgeous <3

  2. these lenses loos amazing! must check it out for myself as well :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You look absolutely stunning!!! Both grey lens & hair look perfect on you~

  5. Just followed you now!! I LOOVE YOUR BLOG!! it's simply classy and stylish , just like you!!!!

    please follow me, i do reviews and tutorials, etc 💕✨

  6. These contacts look so great on you! You're so pretty <3


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